AJIN : Demi-Human

AJIN, most of you probably have heard about this anime or even watched it already. If you haven't watched it yet, you should. It's a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I'm going to 'review' it a bit but first, let me give you the synopsis of the anime.

Ajin poster
For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. 
Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. 
Ajin are humans that cannot die. Seventeen years ago, they first appeared on a battlefield in Africa. From then on, more of their kind are discovered within the human society. Their rarity in appearance means that, for experimental purposes, the government will generously reward anyone who captures one. In the present day, for what a certain high school student expects to be a typical summer holiday, his life is about to turn unexpected... - Anilinkz.tv 
The Ajin TV series can be found here: http://anilinkz.tv/series/ajin


The synopsis seems intriguing isn't it? The anime is more interesting, trust me, you won't regret spending your time watching this series. This anime gives out the same vibe as "Parasyte" to me. I'm not sure why but I think it's because of the quite similar plot where the main character is a human till something went inside them. 

This is the main character, Kei Nagai

The first episode of this anime starts of in the past, 17 years ago in Africa where you can see some children / teens are firing guns, rifles, and stuffs that are used at war shooting a person that doesn't die. They call it the "God's Army". The main character is a 17 years old male high school school student that is aiming to take up medical / doctor course for his university. He spends his time studying all day long to aim that goal of his each day until a part where he was subconsciously walking pass a road while deep thinking about some of his troubles, he didn't notice that it's on red light and then a truck crashed into him. He was under the truck, bleeding, injured, seems to be dead by all of the people at the scene until he began to regenerate like how Ajin could. After that scene, he tried to explain about how he is not possible to be a Ajin but no one seems to care about his explanation so he escaped.

But let me take a second to talk about the animation of the anime. You know, normal anime is kind of like 3D but it's still at 2D, just the shadowing is really good and most of us are used to the anime's animation so we don't really give any remarks about it. But in Ajin, the animation isn't like how anime used to be. It's on 3D.

Have you ever played or watched YouTubers plays a game named "Yandere Simulator"? If you did, the animation is totally like that game, like "The Sims" animation but not that great and still anime-ish 3D stuff.

I was so annoyed by the animation when I started to watch the anime but as the time passes and the anime goes deeper into the plot, I don't really mind the animation because the plot is so interesting that I forgot that the animation sort of bothered me in the start, well played.

Hopefully my explanation for the first episode doesn't bore you out till you don't want to watch the anime. But that doesn't spoil much. 


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